Haako Pute Recipe

Adventurous Cooking!

“I use either olive or palm oil, depending on what I have, or a combination of both. Saute one onion. Clean and cut up a bunch of haako. I use a food processor. When I use the food processor I drain off some of the water as it is usually too much. You can use maggi if you have it. We don’t like the msg and so use a homemade bone broth. You just need that meat flavor. Then add tuna or sardines or mackerel or whatever fish you have around. Cook until the liquid is completely gone. I usually add more oil while cooking. Again, this is up to the cook. If you don’t use maggi, you will definitely need salt. That’s it! We are getting about 5 quarts of finished haako every week from our garden.”

haako pute = sweet potato leaves and maggi = bouillon cubes

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